📍 Nero Waffles ☕ 1002 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC V6B 3M6, Canada

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Finally finished my IELTS test today. It’s such a stressful period of time for the test preparing process. Actually, I don’t know how to read and what the test will be. I just went to the public library, borrowing a book and tried to mimic the good examples, hoping it would improve my writing skills.

After several days just before the test, I happened to realize I can use 小紅書 to prepare for the test. I am glad that I tried to use the app. There are so many information and materials that I can use for the IELTS preparation. So I watched several videos talking about how to enhance the English speaking ability and what are the skills for the writing test. And I do think that I got some ideas from 小紅書, which helped me prepare the test in a very efficient way.

So after a week of preparation, here’s what I experienced today.



So I walked to the buidling of Oxford International and talked to the front desk lady when I arrved. She gave me the Canadian polite smile and greetings without authentic emotions and asked me to wait at the sofa area. Then I somehow realized that I arrived too early, so I went to the first floor and luckily found a Atigaimo right accross the street. The counter clerk must be a new employee, who is a very cute Japanese or Korean lady. She got me the wrong loaf but I’m fine with that cuz I dont want to make her day even more nervous. It turns out that the lemon loaf tastes actually quite good. But I still wanna try that banana loaf someday. And I ordered the wrong cafe. I was so shocked cuz the Machiato Espresso with Milk is just a tiny cup with sour and bitter expresso in it. I wish I can stand the smell and the taste but I really can’t do it. Thanks for the other guy ( looks like a manager or a senior staff ), he was so nice that he offered me some cold water and ice when I bought a transparent plastic cup which cost me 25 cent. So anyways, I got a cup of “Special Macchiato” and a lemon loaf for my lunch. I was grateful because I thought I have to stand the hunger until the exam is over.

Before the speaking test, I met Eve, a really outgoing and friendly doctor from Québec. She’s just a native speaker, but since she wants to learn ultrasound technique for her future medicine career, she needs to get a IELTS Academic Test proof of 7 so that she can apply for learning in the hospitals in BC. We talked about her career and my viewpoints of Vancouver. Just when she’s talking about her patient’s broken arms, I was called into the room and start the test.

It was a really relaxing time, which I didint expected. The examiner was so nice, who is a lady around 40 years old. We talked about my hometowm, advertisements, and robots. I think I did a OK job. Then it soon came to the lunch time. What I’m grateful for is that I’m the first one finished my speaking test, so I have the most time than others for having my lunch. Eve had only few minutes to finish her meal and I think ZTJ just didnt have a chance to eat anything before the afternoon test.


So the afternoon test inludes listening, reading and writing. I think I didnt do well on my listening test. I should have taken down some notes so that I wont lose or forget any information. But I’ve tried my best. All I wish is to score at least 6. The same feelings happened for my reading and writing tests, so I think it’s just a chance for me to know how good or bad my English ability is, and I should apply for schools according to its result unless the scores are way too bad than I expect, which I dont want it happen ever.


After finishing the IELTS test, I felt so released. I think I spent about 30 minutes walking, hanging around, and thinking about my life. I went to Tree Organic Coffee and I found I dont like the environment there, and I went to other places. Finally, I decided to grab a waffle right at the corner of the block I live. Dont know if NERO is a Japanese name or not, but it’s definitely a cute and warm place. I ordered a nice flavor of mini waffle and a really tasty Lavender Milk Tea. They made my day for sure! This kind of little happiness is always so important in my daily life.☕❤


Thanks for every wonderful person that I met today and all the delicious and delightful foods I had. I’m grateful and I’m happy.

Alright, let’s call it a day. See you next time.🌼